Monday, September 12, 2005

It's almost time...

Wow! Only 34 more hours until I leave for England. Hopefully I will be able to cram 9 months worth of clothing into two suitcases! I spent the past two weeks hanging out with my wonderful friends and sister in Starkville. I loved being Ash, Mary Brook, and Lane's temporary roommate! I'm going to miss all of my Chi Os and friends at MSU so much! Here are some highlights from the past two weeks (in no particular order): 1) Ash's 22nd birthday party! She's a big girl now! And it was fun getting to see the girls from Ole Miss (Jeans, Jennings, and Laur!) 2) laying out at Comfort can always find a few Chi Os up there to lay out with! 3) eating at the Chi O house. I'm going to miss Philly Cheese Steak! 4) sharing Ash's squeaky futon. It was very comfy! :) 5) my going away dinner cooked by Jonathan, Curt, and Richard. Yum! 6) visiting my big sis Kate in Birmingham. She's so fun! 7) watching MSU beat Murray State...go Dawgs! 8) eating at Cold Stone, the Deli, TCBY, Harvey's, and the cafeteria...all of my favorites! 9) hanging out in the Chi O house with the fun juniors and seniors 10) my going away dinner at Harvey's and party at Ash and Mary Brook's. I loved getting to see my friends. I definitely have the best friends ever! When I got home from Starkville, we had a big family dinner on Saturday night. My mom cooked my favorite (spaghetti), and I got to say goodbye to everyone. Now I'm going to try to finish packing and getting everything in order. My next post will be from! Everyone keep me in their prayers! Pray for a safe flight and that Tools and I will be safe in London! We'll be there until the 19th, and then we'll head to our new home in Stratford-upon-Avon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Avery! As I write this, you are somewhere over the atlantic ocean! I miss you already and hope that you are having a wonderful time getting settled in! I love you!

4:05 AM  

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