I hope everyone had a great week! The weather has been really strange this week in's been snowing, but the sun has been out! Wednesday was a gorgeous day, so I got some coffee and a magazine and went to sit by the river and enjoy the sunshine. All of a sudden, little white balls started falling on me. I thought maybe they were seeds from the trees above me that were being blown down. They kept falling harder and harder, so I looked around, and they were everywhere! So I touched one to figure out what it was, and I realized it was snow! It was so strange, because the weather was cold, but not cold enough to snow, especially with the sun out! It did it again yesterday, too. But, the snow didn't stick because of the sun. On Wednesday afternoon, Jeremy and Junko made homemade soy milk. They're very healthy (well, Junko is) and grow vegetables in their garden and try to be thrifty by going to garage sales (called car boot sales in England) and making their own food like yogurt and soy milk. I've never tried soy milk, much less homemade soy milk, so Junko fixed me some with a little honey, and I have to was GOOD! It really did taste like milk - hard to believe it came from beans, not a cow! On Thursday, we had a lecture, and then Michelle, Emily, and I went for coffee. Today was another beautiful day, but it didn't snow. Although it's freezing, it's nice to see snow every now and then. Tonight, I went to see Walk the Line with Cat, Marfo, and Isaac. It was SO good! I was worried that Marfo might not like it because it's about old, southern, American culture, but she loved it! I'm going to see it again on Sunday with Michelle. Tomorrow night, I'm going to a Rotary party. We're going to be playing games. I don't know any British games, so hopefully I'll learn them fast! Next Friday, Michelle, Marfo, Emily, maybe Cat, and I are going to Oxford, which is about an hour away, to walk around and see the sights. It's a small town, but supposedly very cute, and the university's campus is supposed to be amazing. I can't wait! Also, only three and a half weeks til I come home! My sister told me that some people at home were laying out because the weather has been so warm...I can't believe it! I must say, I'm a little jealous, but the snow has been nice, so that's ok. :) I hope everyone has a great weekend!
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