Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Marfo's Birthday

Today is Marfo's 26th birthday! In Greece, they have a different way of expressing age, so in Greece it's her 25th birthday, but she's turning 26th. It's confusing, and she tried to explain it to me once. Her mom mailed her some homemade baklava, and it was DELICIOUS! I loved it! I hope her mom sends some more...maybe for MY birthday? :) Cat and I chipped in and got Marfo a cute purse and necklace from New Look, which is one of my very favorite stores. It reminds me a little of Wet Seal. Marfo has a presentation due tomorrow, so we're going to go out to eat tomorrow night, since she'll be finished with her big project and can relax. She showed me pictures of Corfu, the island in Greece where she's from. It's BEAUTIFUL! It looks a little bit like Italy, and she said it's because they're so close to Italy and they have a lot of Italians living in Corfu. The water surrounding it is just amazingly blue! Tip for anyone thinking about visiting Greece - Marfo says Athens is neat, but it's not really a beautiful city. So if you want to see a gorgeous Greek landscape, take a day trip to the coast or one of the islands. This weekend was nice and relaxing, and not much was going on in Stratford. Tonight, my class went to see "Women Beware Women" performed by the Royal Shakespeare Company at the Swan Theatre. It was pretty good...it's a tragedy play, so everyone died in the end. "The Crucible" is showing at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, and I really want to see it! Before the play, I went to Hussein's, an Indian restaurant, with Hannah and her parents. They're in town from Seattle visiting Hannah, and they invited me to go to dinner with them. I really liked the Indian food...it was my first time to have it! We didn't eat any curry, which surprised me, because it's VERY popular in England. Indian food is to England like Mexican food is to the United States. I have class tomorrow morning, and I also have class this weekend. As of Tuesday, February 21, I only have FIVE weeks until I come home for spring break! Walt and I are going to try to take a trip to Amsterdam sometime in March, so hopefully that will work out! The days are starting to get a little bit longer...the sun actually set at 5:30 today! Gustaf, a Rotary Scholar from Sweden, says that in Scandinavia, they go a couple of weeks without any sun in the winter - I couldn't imagine! But in the summer, he says there are a couple of weeks when the sun stays out 24 hours a day. It's a different world!


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