Friday, September 16, 2005

The Sun Came Out!

Well, it's a beautiful day in London...the sun is shining and it's about 65 degrees with the wind chill. It's very windy here...yesterday my umbrella blew inside out a total of six times. Very impressive! :) This morning, Tools and I woke up, grabbed some bagels, and she went to her Bunac work visa orientation program. Her program is GREAT, if anyone wants to come work in the UK for 6 months, look into it! After her orientation, we got...cell phones! (gasp!) We were SO we can be connected to everyone again! It's going to take a couple of days to get them up and running, but everyone be expecting a call or text sometime soon, ok? :) We explored London somemore and walked along the Strand and Trafalgar Square. Tonight, we're going to see the musical "Chicago." We're excited! After the musical, we're going to get tea at the Marriot, a really nice hotel that has an amazing view of Big Ben. Unfortunately, Tooley's bags STILL aren't here. Boo! Hopefully by tonight they will have arrived at the hostel. Now it's time for...Brit Speak! Here are a few British words I've learned: brolly = umbrella, cheers = thanks, lifts = elevator, car park = parking lot, wellies = rain boots, queue = line, take away = take out, rubbish = trash, trainers = tennis shoes, trousers = pants, bum pack = fanny pack (Laurel!), jumper = sweater, potty = crazy (Jeans!), mobile (pronounced mo-BILE) = cell phone. This afternoon, Tooley and I were running late to her appointment at the bank so we took a cab, and told the cabbie to take us to Aldwych Street. We pronounced it Al-dwich, and he laughed at us and said it's pronounced (All-dwich). Oops! We're trying to get our British accent down pat, but we slip up every now and then! :) Last night, Tooley and I stood on the Westminster Bridge over the is unbelievably gorgeous! At night, all of the buildings along the river, including St. Paul's Cathedral and Big Ben, are lit up with white and blue's incredible. I think it's probably the most romantic spot in the world! London at night is breathtaking!

Big Ben at night...this picture just doesn't do it justice!

A scene of London from Trafalgar Square. You can see Big Ben poking through the skyline! (Can you tell that Big Ben is my favorite London landmark?) :)

Tools and me in Trafalgar Square


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ave! How much fun you two are having! I love getting to read about all of your travels! Who knew those guard people are called beafeaters?! that's awesome! i think that's the sandwich that shide always gets from the deli?? let me know if ya'll get him to crack a smile :) i'm going to start using some london lingo and see how people respond...i'll be sure and get back to you on that. give tools a big hug from all of us in MS. hopefully her bags will get there soon! hope chicago was great and that ya'll are meeting fun-not scary people at the hostel!
love you!! mar

5:24 AM  

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