Sunday, September 18, 2005

Shopping in the City

Today was another beautiful day! Tools and I have been blessed with gorgeous, cool, sunny weather. And another blessing...Tooley's luggage arrived! Hooray! It was delivered at three in the morning...random, but she was just glad to finally have a toothbrush. Haha! Today, we went shopping in Camden Town, a really fun, funky little area in north London. It's probably my favorite place to shop in London! They have food vendors and stores from all over the world! (If anyone has seen the Mary Kate and Ashley movie where they go to London, this is the area where they go shopping and try on clothes). There's a really crazy shop in Camden called Cyberdog, and they sell futuristic, spacey's hilarious! They also have a techno DJ. We spent most of the afternoon in Camden Town, then rode the Tube to see St. Paul's Cathedral (where Princess Di and Prince Charles were married, and where they "Feed the Birds" in Mary Poppins). Unfortunately, I can't hook up my camera to the computer in this internet cafe, so I'll post pictures later. Then we walked along the Thames and checked out a fun festival. We ate some Alabama Fudge Chocolate Cake (haha!), and strolled around the town. London has such neat, cute little streets and alleys! I love it! I miss everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Aves! I am so excited that both you and Tools arrived safely and are having an incredible time. I am so sad I didn't get to see ya'll before you left, but this school thing at UGA is a heck of a lot harder than State and I couldn't get away...crazy! But I LOVE reading about your little adventures, and I want to come visit so badly! Love you and miss you tons!


10:27 PM  

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