Saturday, November 19, 2005

More Pics of Bath

Today was the first truly foggy day we've had in England! Some mornings will start out a little foggy, but it clears up by the end of the day. Today the fog stayed all day! Tooley and I were talking to Jeremy about it, and he said that England really isn't foggy. We were surprised, because you always hear about the "London fog." Jeremy told us that now that the air pollution in England isn't as bad, the fog (I guess it was really smog) has gone away. He also told us that the weather has been unusually cold for this time of the year, and that it should warm up next week. Hooray! Oh, last week the Littlefords told me the key to making a "proper" cup of English tea (sorry I'm just now posting it) - you warm the teapot before you pour the hot water in. After you heat the water in the kettle, run warm water in the teapot, then pour in the hot water from the kettle and add a tea bag. And if you "take" milk in your tea, you pour the milk in the cup first and then add the tea. I love tea, so I thought this was an interesting little fact. :) Let me just say, the English really do love their tea! Whenever you visit another person's house, you will always be offered a cup of tea upon arrival. If you say, "No, thanks," you will usually receive a look of surprise, followed by, "Are you sure?" This has been my experience, at least! I love tea, but sometimes I'm just not thirsty. However, the surprised look on the person's face usually makes me reconsider and say, "Well, sure, I guess I'll have some." Maybe it's rude to refuse tea, I don't know. Tea time in England is around 4:00 p.m., and usually includes a biscuit (a.k.a. cookie) or scone of some kind. One thing I'm really starting to miss from the U.S. is central heating! Most homes in England use radiators, and it just isn't the same. Here are more pictures of Bath:

This bridge has little shops along the inside of it. Tooley and I stopped for baguettes in a little restaurant overlooking the river. :)

The scenery is gorgeous!


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