Wednesday, November 09, 2005

After Seeing Madonna, Life is Dull

After seeing my favorite movie stars in my favorite city, life in Stratford seems a little dull! :) Actually, it's nice living in a small town with a laid back reminds me of Madison! I've been doing some school work, and Tooley and I have been catching up on our sleep...our train left London at 5:15 a.m. on Monday, so we were pooped when we got back. Tooley was off work today, so we ran errands and planned trips. Mary Virginia Morgan is coming to visit in January, and she and Tooley are going to travel around Europe for a few weeks. I'm going to go to Spain and Switzerland with them, and I'm pumped! We're planning to go yodel-ing on the Alps. :)
The current group of Rotary Scholars from Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and Georgia have a group page online that we can go to and write about living abroad, problems, fun experiences, etc. One girl, Anna, is living in India, and wrote about her living conditions. After one month of showering from a bucket of water and using the bathroom in a latrine, she has just moved to a building with running water and plumbing. She has to sleep with a mosquito net on her bed to keep animals out (furry and non-furry), and has to pick cockroaches out of her soup. Wow! When I read that, I felt like the luckiest girl ever! Not only do I have a nice, clean, safe place to live, but I also speak the language and have one of my good friends with me. I may not be taking a trip to India any time soon...
Tonight, Tooley and I ate at "A Hole in the Wall," which has two-for-one pizzas on Tuesday night. We had the most delicious dough balls with hummus...yum! Good news...if anyone has been following the news about the riots in Paris, I think everything is starting to get under control. The news in England said that the attacks last night weren't as bad as they have been, and President Chirac has declared a state of emergency, which is good because it means he can impose a curfew and confiscate weapons in Paris. Hopefully everything will be resolved soon! That's all the news in Stratford-upon-Avon. I hope everyone has a great day!


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