Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Scotland Pictures and Some Good News

Hallelujah! After 5 hours of blood, sweat, and tears, our phone line and internet is officially connected! Call us at 601-427-0310.

Edinburgh Castle

Street in Edinburgh

Tools and me modeling the Scottish garb...tartan kilts and wraps

Holyrood Castle, where the Queen lives when she comes to Scotland

View of the city

Another view of Edinburgh Castle

A hairy coo aka Highland cow

Me, Catherine, and Tools with a random bagpiper

Glen Coe, home of the McDonald clan

Gorgeous scenery!

Loch Ness

Another picture of Loch Ness - the water is black because of the peat. All of the water in Scotland, even the tap water, comes from fresh springs. Although the water looks dirty, it's actually very clean

Ben Nevis, the tallest mountain in Scotland. The top part is hidden in the clouds, but it's there!


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