Saturday, October 15, 2005

No Class this Weekend...hooray!

This weekend and next weekend are my break between classes, which means...I have nothing to do! Well, I guess I should start working on my essays, but we'll see. :) On Friday, I ran some errands and discovered my new talent...browsing through stores without buying anything! (Dad, if you're reading this, I'm sure you're very happy to hear this). Although this may not sound like much, it's actually quite a challenge. Since Stratford is a tourist town, it has the cutest stores for clothes, antiques, jewelry, home furnishings, you name it. We also have a market every weekend, which is fun to browse around. Friday night, Tooley, Natalie, and I ate a yummy dinner at the Golden Bee pub, then walked around town for a while. Everything closes early in Stratford (it makes me miss Super Walmart, which never closes), so after six, the only places open are pubs, Tesco grocery store, one convenience store, and the movie theater. We stopped at Bella Italia and split a delicious chocolate dessert, had coffee, and talked for a few hours. It was a nice, fun, low-key night. This time next week, I'll be on my way to Scotland...hooray! Today I'm going to catch up on some reading, and tonight Tooley and I are going to a birthday party for a guy I go to school with named Andy. Good debit card FINALLY came in! But just when I thought my problems with the bank were over, they told me that my PIN number would arrive in the mail in four days. Why in the world they can't give me the PIN number with the card, I have no idea. Poor Walt and Tooley still don't have their debit cards. I also got a check book, but it looks completely different from American check books, so I have no clue how to use it. Hopefully all of my bank problems should be solved once I receive my PIN number...but you never know! :) On Monday, I'm attending the Stratford-upon-Avon Rotary Club meeting, so that should be interesting. The big news in England is the discovery that Sienna Miller has been cheating on Jude Law with one of his close friends. I'm also learning more about the British political system than I ever thought possible! :) It's really fun and interesting, though. I hope everyone back home is having a wonderful weekend!


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