Thursday, October 13, 2005

Fun New Pictures

A friendly carnie let Tooley and me pose on a ride while they set up for the fair

The Elves from the Elfin School :) Aren't they precious?

A street in Chipping Campden, a tiny Cotswold village

Some of the really old houses still have small doors, as Tooley is demonstrating

Beautiful countryside! It was a little foggy...sorry the pictures aren't very clear!

Broadway Tower

This picture and the next are from the Fair


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ave!! Love the pics. Just wondering if you could send something over here for me- if you could manage I really want one of the elves. They are way too cute. Maybe you should send at least two so they can have company and let them pack a kazoo or two. Looks like you two girls are having a freakin blast and I'm so jealous!! How ironic that your fair is the same week as our fair?!! Tomorrow night Ash and Mar and I are going to the JXN fair, anything I can scarf down for ya?! Love you! Laur

12:32 AM  

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