Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Tooley's First Day of Work

Yesterday, Tooley began her first day as a Woolworth's employee. She's got a great schedule...9-6 on Tuesday through Friday. She gets a three day weekend, which will be great when we travel. I went to see her yesterday afternoon. She looked very professional in her red shirt and nametag that said...Julia! Apparently, there are 5 Sarahs who work for Woolworth's, and they ran out of Sarah nametags. You have to have a nametag to work on the floor, so she had to choose between Julia or Sam. I think she chose wisely. :) While she worked, I went to the library, ran some errands, and went to the gym. Our gym is great...it reminds me of a mix between the Sanderson Center and the Courthouse. On our first visit to the gym (called the Banana Fitness Club), Tools and I realized halfway through our workout that we were on the exact same machine, wearing the exact same outfit! I'm sure we looked super cool (just kidding). It's strange getting used to measuring distance in kilometers, weight in kilograms or stones (1 pound = 14 stones), and temperature in Celsius. Let's just say I've had to do a lot more math than I planned on! Tomorrow night, I have to give my first speech to a Rotary Club! Luckily it's my host club (Coventry Phoenix), and it's just a short introduction speech. My host counselor, Mike, is awesome and is coming to pick me up, drive me to his house in Birmingham to hang out with him and his wife Judy for awhile, drive me to the meeting, and then drive me back to Stratford. It's been over two weeks since I've been in a car...what a strange feeling! Tools and I have gotten used to walking everywhere, though. The distance from my house to my school is the same distance as walking from the Chi O house to the Forestry building (3 minutes). The distance from my house to the gym is the same as walking from the Chi O house to the Sanderson Center (not too bad...about 12 minutes). Our big grocery store (there's a small one nearby) is about a 10 minute walk from our house, and it's right next to the train station. Last night, Tools (Julia?) and I went to a Thai restaurant to celebrate her first day of work. I liked it, but I don't think Tools was a big fan. I really think I can eat just about anything! Yesterday I was getting sad because I remembered that I was going to miss the Fair back home...I don't think I've ever missed it! Strangely enough, Tools and I found out that there is going to be a big fair in Stratford-upon-Avon next week...how awesome is that? It's called the Mops Fair, whatever that means, and it's supposed to be really big. I doubt there will be any taffy or fun rides, so everyone in Jackson needs to eat lots of taffy, frozen bananas, and chicken on a stick for me, and ride lots of rides. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ave, remember our picture of us eating that huge elephant ear at the fair junior year?! oh the memories, i'll eat one of those for ya!!!

5:29 AM  

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