Sunday, September 25, 2005

It's a Different World...

Last night, Tools, me, and Katherine (a girl who lives in our house from Texas..she's really cool!) went to see the new Pride and Prejudice movie with Keira Knightley. It's SOOO good...a major chick flick! It's one of my favorite books. It was fun going to see a movie...just like home! :) The previews are a little different, but that's to be expected, I guess. This morning, the three of us woke up and went to church at...Stratford-upon-Avon Baptist Church! Imagine that, a Baptist church in England! I guess I went thinking it would be just like Broadmoor or Adaton Baptist, but boy was I wrong. The church was very small, with about 60-70 people in the congregation. We sang a lot of the same songs that we sing in Baptist churches in Mississippi, but everything else was pretty different. The church seemed pretty charismatic...everyone waving their hands in the air, people in the congregation bursting out in prayer. There's nothing wrong with that, of course, but it's different than what I'm used to, and not quite what I was expecting. The church is currently looking for a permanent pastor, so a guy from Birmingham, England was filling in. He's no Rob Futral or Scott Cappleman, which made me really miss home. Halfway through the service, an old lady starting convulsing and had to be put on a respirator! It's sad, because many of the English people are not Christians, and if they are, they're mostly Anglican or Catholic. After church, we went to Morrison's, the awesomely huge grocery store, and stocked up on food for the week. At three o'clock, Katherine and I had to go to the Shakespeare Institute for an introductory tea (we tried to get Tools to come, too, but no luck!). I met a lot of nice people there, and even some girls from North Carolina, Louisiana, and Alabama! Everyone there seemed love with Shakespeare. I mean I like Shakespeare and all, but I'm by no means the Shakespeare scholar. I'm in England more for the experience and to speak to Rotary Clubs for my scholarship. Hopefully I'll be able to get by. Luckily, my program doesn't require me to write a thesis...whew! :) I tried my first digestive (NOT what it sounds's another name for cookie!), and it was really good! The cookies in England are called "biscuits" or "digestives." Only chocolate chip cookies are actually called cookies. After the tea, Tools and I headed to Snappy Pizza to use the wireless internet, and that's where I am now! Everyone please pray that I do well in school, and that we find a good church to go to in Stratford!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

avey-im so glad your having fun and meeting new americans. you show them how we like to have fun here in mississippi :) bulldog bash wasn't the same without yall! we missed your curly-headed self- but we saw your i guess thats the next best thing to seeing you! have fun & dont let silly ole shakespeare get in the way of yall's adventures! much love, jennings

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey A! I am so glad that I can finally read your blogs!! You really are such a gifted writer... your entries are wonderful! They make me want to just quit my job and fly over to England right now! :) You are so very missed...but I am glad that you are having such a fantastic experience. I can't wait to see what happens next in "The Adventures of Avery in England"!! Have a great week!!Love, Jac

11:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey A! How in the world are you? I just learned how to use this blog thing. Aren't you proud of me? This is neat! I'm sooo glad you are safe and sound over there. I hope you are having fun! THis is neat to be able to read and see pictures of everything you are doing. Well...just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you. I wrote you an email on your other account. talk to you soon! Have fun! I love you bunches!!!

2:47 AM  

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