Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Here are some pictures of Stratford-upon-Avon:

Our room at 27 Evesham Place

We have a nice bathroom, walk in closet, and tons of storage space

The view from our window

A street in Stratford...aren't the buildings cute?

The birthplace of you-know-who...Shakespeare!

This picture and the next few are scenes from the River Avon, which flows through the center of town and has lots of cute little canals running off of it

In the distance you can see the steeple of Holy Trinity Church, where Shakespeare is buried

There's a cute little park and grassy knoll along the river
We just love it here! Everyone come visit!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my gosh...umm can i please come to visit like tomorrow? It looks like so much fun! i cant wait! Everything looks so nice. i love it! I miss yall lots! love, jennings

4:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey girls! The room is adorable--i love it! it defintely beats the closet-sized rooms at King's College. I'm pumped there's an H & M there. That would get me into trouble for sure! When ya'll "take tea" please left a pinky finger for me! I want to be there--come dig me out of grad school, puhlease. haha! love ya'll lots. jeans

5:51 PM  

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