Thursday, September 22, 2005

Away From the Hustle and Bustle

One thing Tools and I love about Stratford is the relaxed atmosphere. London is amazing and SO much fun, but it's a huge city (7 million people!), and that can take a toll on you. Life in Stratford is very laid-back and relaxed. There are lots of cafes and bakeries where people sit outdoors and sip on tea, and families walking around. We see lots of school children wearing their uniforms and roaming the streets, which makes me wonder when exactly they have class. The little kids here are adorable in their school uniforms! And hearing them say things like, "Mummy, can I have some tea?" is SO cute! There's a school for kids ages 2-6 called the Elfin School right next door to our room, and it's fun hearing them laughing and run around whenever we leave to hit the town. We say, "The elves are out!" (Get it? Elfin school? Elves?) Tools and I have really started to learn our way around the town without a map, which is nice. One thing I miss is not knowing what's going on back home! I miss People Magazine and US weekly, and the Clarion-Ledger. Since the only places we can get on the internet are internet cafes and the library (until our broadband gets hooked up!) we're on a time limit and can't read the online newspapers from back home. All the newspapers here are talking about Kate Moss's cocaine addiction, and the hurricanes back in the U.S. Tonight, my Rotary host counselor and his wife (Mike and Judy Taylor) are coming to visit, so that will be fun! Tools and I really like our landlord and his wife! They crack us up. Jeremy and Junko (his wife, who is Japanese and so cute) are very laid-back and outgoing. Jeremy will say something random and hilarious, and Junko just laughs at herself because she gets confused easily. And Tools and I just laugh at them! We have a lot of fun. :) Tomorrow, Tools and I are taking a train to Warwick, a little village to the south that has a beautiful castle. I'll take lots of pictures!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AK...glad to read that you're enjoying my ancestoral homeland so much. :-)

MDOT isn't nearly as much fun without you...we've been too busy to pick on Billy since Katrina.

Your blog is very well written, I can tell its the work of an English major. The photos make me long for England.

Consider yourself lucky as Hurricane season is sucking this year-we're supposed to get bad weather from the latest one tomorrow night.

I'll keep up with your adventures for sure!


7:43 AM  

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