Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Good news...I now have a bank account in the UK! My school has a deal with HSBC, and they let me open an account, no problem. So today was definitely a good day. I didn't have orientation today, so Tools and I ran errands. We read a really interesting/disturbing article in the British newpaper today (it may have been in American newspapers, too, I'm not sure). The article was based on the results of survey, and said that Christianity or the belief in a God is unneccesary for a successful, peaceful society, and is often found to be detrimental to societies. The report said that British society, which is mostly secular, is faring better and much more successful than American society because there are fewer murders, kidnappings, etc. in England. It also compared France, Scandinavian countries, and China with the U.S., saying that these countries are becoming less and less Christian, and their societies are improving. Basically, it implied that the problem with American society is the large Christian population and beliefs. Isn't that disturbing? The survey never mentioned the fact that governments of all of these countries are very different, and most have harsher punishments than the U.S. regarding crime. Tools and I really had a lot of problems with that article. It's amazing what you see in the paper over here. Censorship isn't very big in Europe. We opened a newspaper last week, and saw a picture of a naked girl saying that she likes Prince William, and thinks that he and his girlfriend make a cute couple. We were like, does she have to be naked to say that? Honestly! Lots of advertisments in magazines here show a lot more skin than magazines in the U.S. American censors would have a field day over here! :) We also read that a Dutch television station is planning a program that films participants doing drugs, having sex, etc, and then interviews the participants afterwards. It's pretty unbelievable. Anyway, this weekend is the Stratford upon Avon Festival of Food...how awesome does that sound? I can't wait! Unfortunately, my classes are on the weekend, but the one on Saturday doesn't start til ten, so maybe I can wake up early and take part in the festivities. :) Tooley isn't too excited, because it'll mostly be British food. I think she's starting to like it a little better, though.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi AK! We got your Post Card at MDOT today, everyone passed it around.

Tell Tooley that she had better enjoy English food now as it usually gets worse in the winter with the lack of locally grown vegetables and all...


4:08 AM  

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