Monday, September 26, 2005

I'm Not a Terrorist!

What a crazy day! This morning, I woke up, had breakfast, and went to open a bank account. This is not as easy as one would think. There are four main banks in England...Lloyd's, NatWest (National Westminster), Barclay's, and HSBC. Without a bank account in the UK, I cannot get a phone line (Tooley's program helped her open an account, so our phone will be in her name), join a gym, or even get a library card! I will also have to keep paying exchange rate charges when I use my American debit card...not fun! To open a bank account as an international student, you must have: proof that you are attending school, your visa, passport, and proof of address. Small problem...they only way I can get proof of address is to have a bill sent to my house in England. I can't get a bill sent to my house unless I have a bank account, plus my bills are included in my rent. See the problem? So I went to NatWest first, where the lady told me since I don't have bills in my name, I needed a job in order to have proof of address, even though I'm a student. No, thanks! Then, I went to Barclay's, where the lady refused to open an account for me, and basically implied that I might be a terrorist. I told her (very kindly), that I'm NOT a terrorist, I just want to have my money in the United Kingdom, and get a debit card. I really didn't think I matched the profile of a terrorist, but you never know! It was an interesting experience, to say the least. :) I went back to NatWest, where they told me to go to the Inland Revenue Service (whatever that is!), and they could help me get proof of address. The man at the Inland Revenue Service was very nice and helpful, but told me I need to get a National Health Insurance number (keep in mind this is a Socialist economy, and health insurance, doctors appointments, surgery, etc. are paid for by the government). In order to get this number, I have to take a train to a town forty minutes away. Without this number, I can't even go to the doctor. My school recommends that all students register with a general practitioner as soon as they arrive in Stratford, because if you get sick, you can't see a doctor unless you are registered with one. So basically, it's been a dead end street every way I turn. By this point, I was very frustrated, and vented to my dad for awhile. This afternoon, I had an orientation program for my school. I've met some really nice people! I'm the youngest student here, but only by a year. I think I may be in over my head...if anyone reading this is a Shakespeare scholar, please let me know so I can call you with questions! :) This afternoon, I feel much better about things, and I think I may be able to open an account at HSBC...hallelujah! Tooley has been spending the day filling out job applications and trying to follow up with the phone company. It rained here last night, and the weather has gotten much cooler. It feels wonderful! I have orientation all week, which I'm looking forward to. Scott Watson and I were talking about meeting up in Amsterdam before he heads back to the U.S., but orientation has put a kink in those plans. I hope everyone in Starkville is ok after the scary! Wish me luck opening a bank account! I'll try to send some of this cold weather back to Mississippi. :)


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