Thursday, September 29, 2005


It's getting a lot colder! The past few days, Tools and I have been wearing our fleeces, scarves, and gloves! Last night, Tools went outside to talk to her boyfriend on the phone, and she looked like she was dressed to go skiing. :) Our landlord refuses to turn on the heat for another few weeks, claiming that NO ONE in Britain has turned on their heat THIS early. Fun news...the Stratford upon Avon Festival of Food has officially begun! There's a big tent set up in the center of town with lots of food vendors. Today I sampled some cheese, hot chocolate, prawns, and honey roasted cashews. Yum! Tomorrow (Friday), our school is taking a bus to Birmingham (about 45 minutes away) to get our ID cards and have a reception at the University of Birmingham's main campus. My class also starts tomorrow night, at 6. I have class on Saturday at 10, then we're going to see "As You Like It" at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre at 7:30. On Sunday, I have class again at 10. It's going to be a busy weekend! I'll try to update my blog sometime this weekend, but if not, be looking for an update on Monday! I have NO idea what my classes are going to be like, so this should be interesting. :) Good news - Tools had a job interview today at Woolworth's! Woolworth's is like a high-end dollar store. You can buy nice stuff like DVDs, candy, school supplies, and electronics at discount prices. Today I went for a walk (there are lots of neat trails around the town), and brought my camera along so I could show everyone more of Stratford! This really is a picturesque little town...weeping willows hanging over paths along the River Avon, swans swimming, cute old couples walking and holding hands, little kids in school uniforms. It's amazing how OLD this town is! I'm not sure the exact date it was founded, but I know it's at least 700 years old. There's a building down the street from my school that was built in the 1400s, and it's still in use! One bad thing about all of the towns in England being so old is that the sidewalks are uneven. As the years go by, people just keep building over previous sidewalks and foundations, and eventually the sidewalks and roads become a little uneven because of the many layers beneath. As a result, Tools and I usually trip at least twice a just can't be helped! :) We try to be graceful about it, though.

Costa Coffee...our favorite coffee shop! I recommend the mocha frescato (it's like a frappachino)

Ok, it looks like my internet connection isn't too good right now, and this is the only picture I can upload. But I do have more, and I'll do my best to post them soon! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey avery, i hope you're having the time of your life in england. it sounds like you're enjoying it. the pictures are amazing! i wish i could visit, and how cool is that castle! i hope your classes went well this weekend and your classmates and professors are cool. tell tooley hello.

6:32 PM  

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