Monday, October 17, 2005

Native Americans in Stratford

I hope everyone had a great weekend! On Saturday, I went to the farmers market in the center of town. Every weekend there is a new market, so you never know what to expect! I love when the farmers market comes, because all of the booths let you sample their food. :) So, I spent a good forty five minutes walking along from booth to booth sampling fish, cheese, marmalade, bread, all kinds of yummy food. One thing I couldn't bring myself to try was the Buffalo Ice Cream. I have no idea what that is, or why it's called Buffalo, but I can only imagine. On Saturday night, I went to a birthday party at my school with Natalie and Michelle for a guy named Andy. It was fun getting to meet more people, and a barbershop quartet even came and sang! On Sunday, Tooley had to work, so I went to the grocery store and also bought my Youth Rail Card, which allows students to get reduced rates on train tickets. Europe has really great deals for students, more so than in the U.S. Almost any tour, train, or museum you go to offers student discounts. Tooley and I are going to cook dinner (as opposed to heating something up in the microwave) on Tuesday, and I was planning on making banana pudding. Unfortunately, England has not yet been introduced to Jello OR Vanilla sad! So, any plans I had to make banana pudding are out. Another girl I go to school with said that her boyfriend is bringing over 6 packs of cornbread mix when he comes to visit, because you won't find that in the UK, either! I saw an odd sight on Sunday afternoon...Native Americans, in full headdress, playing pipes and drums across from the Pizza Hut! I was very confused about why Native Americans were performing in England, but I eventually figured out that they were here promoting a clean environment. Still, that's not something you see everyday! On Sunday night, I went to church with Catherine at Renewel Church. I really liked it! The preacher was great, and everyone was really nice. It was a little different than any church I've ever been to (speaking in tongues, annointing with joke!) but the message and songs were great. Catherine made a good point about church in England...England is such a secular culture, so going to church isn't so much a social event like it can be in the South. Everyone who goes to church in England goes because they really want to be there. After church we went to a housewarming party for three students who just moved into a flat near the school. Everyone brought food, so we feasted on pizza, quiche, stuffed mushrooms, you name it! Today I'm going to the Stratford Rotary Club to give an introductory speech and eat lunch, so everyone wish me luck! :) Have a great Monday!


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