Sunday, November 06, 2005

Guy Fawkes Day

School on a Saturday...not my favorite way to spend the weekend, but class wasn't too bad. We spent the whole day talking about Macbeth, so if you have any questions about that play, throw them my way. :) Just kidding! After class, Tooley and I ate dinner downstairs with Catherine and Marfo, and goofed off for awhile. A Japanese lady is staying at our house for two weeks (there's one extra room that our landlord and his wife keep open for their friends), and she talks nonstop. She's an English teacher in Japan, so she asks us a million questions whenever we see her downstairs. Sometimes it's hard to get out of a conversation with her, so the four of us girls usually try to avoid her. We always joke around that we're going to leave a note on the lady's door telling her to come see Marfo (Marfo would kill us), and we text each other warnings if the Japanese lady is in the kitchen. After supper, Tooley and I met up with Natalie and we went searching for a bonfire to go to for the Bonfire Night celebration. Unfortunately, we found out that the main bonfire at the rubgy club is going to be tomorrow night, when Tooley and I are in London. We decided to go watch the fireworks display put on by the Swan Theatre, so we sat outside of a pub, the Dirty Duck, and drank coffee until it was time for the fireworks. There are two main theaters (or, if you're English, "theatres") in Stratford, the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Swan. They're right next to each other on the bank of the River Avon. A lot of people from my school were hanging out at the Dirty Duck waiting on the fireworks, including my teacher! Some of the theater actors came to have a drink, so it was neat seeing them. The fireworks were gorgeous, and it felt like the Fourth of July. Natalie said she felt like singing "The Star-Bangled Banner," but I don't think the English would have appreciated it. :) Fun fact: The English national anthem, "God Save the Queen," is set to the tune of "My Country Tis of Thee." Tomorrow we're off to London! :)


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