Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Hiya! (That's the traditional English greeting, whether it's friends, strangers, or cashiers in a store). I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween! Sadly, Halloween in England isn't as big of a deal as it is in the U.S., but everyone says it gets bigger and bigger every year. A few stores had Halloween decorations up, but most stores are already decorating for Christmas! All of the Christmas decorations in the town are up...snowflakes, stars, and bells made out of tinsel are hung between the buildings and over the streets. It's really pretty! I can't wait to see Stratford when the Christmas lights are turned on. There's a big celebration exactly a month before Christmas when the lights are turned on. I didn't see any trick or treaters last night, but Tooley did! She came downstairs to eat supper, and saw five trick or treaters through the glass door. They asked for some candy, but Tooley had to tell them that we didn't have any. Jeremy didn't want to buy any candy! Isn't that sad? The weather in Stratford is still gorgeous...sunny every day! Daylight savings time isn't too fun, though...it's dark by 5:00 p.m. Until December 21st (the winter solstice) the hours of daylight are going to get shorter and shorter. Everyone has been telling me that eventually the sun will rise at 8 or 9 a.m. and set at 4 p.m.! That's not going to be fun, but after Dec. 21 it should get much better. Walt and I have officially booked our trip to Egypt...we'll be there from Dec. 14-21! I can't wait! Ashleigh, Jessica Wells, Emily Cole, and Emily Ethridge will be here after Christmas, and we're going to ring in the New Year in Paris! I'm so glad they're coming...it's going to be so much fun! Our hotel rooms are booked, and we're good to go. :) Tooley's brother Ti-Voed "The O.C." episodes that we've missed this season and mailed them to us, so we're all caught up! I really miss that show. Tonight, I'm going to attempt to cook spaghetti, even though I know it won't be as good as my mom's. Tomorrow is Michelle's birthday, and we're all going to eat supper at Cafe Rouge, a French restaurant in town. Have a wonderful day!


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