Tuesday, November 15, 2005

More Updates from Kenilworth

Since my post was so long yesterday, I'm going to finish talking about my weekend on today's post. :) Friday was Remembrance Day, a holiday which falls on the 11th day of the 11th month. On the 11th hour of that day, there is a two minute period of silence to remember all of the veterans who died fighting in English wars. It's like the British version of Memorial Day. The Royal British Legion sells poppies made out of paper that you're supposed to pin on your shirt, and the money raised goes to help out families of veterans. On Sunday, there was a big celebration in London where the royal family, Tony Blair, and leaders of the Commonwealth nations placed wreaths of poppies on the Cenotaph (a big memorial to the veterans). It was pretty cool! My parents have sent me ingredients to make banana pudding, and I'm really excited because none of the English people I've talked to have even heard of it! It was hard to try to explain how to the Littlefords how to make it. English and Americans have different meanings for the words "gelatin," "jelly," "jam," and "pudding." And they've never had Jello over here! Marfo is excited, too, because she's never heard of it either. This weekend, Tooley made Rice Krispy treats and we let Marfo and Jeremy (our landlord) try them. I think they were a hit! Jeremy asked how to make them, and when we explained, he said, "You liquidized a marshmallow? That's a sin!" He cracks us up! Today I was doing some research for my paper, and I realized that my teacher wrote one of the books that I'm using as a source! Isn't that weird? Apparently the teachers at my school are pretty famous...who knew? I don't know if it's a good or bad thing that I'm using her as a source, though. We'll see! This afternoon, Tooley discovered that they have Diet Dr. Pepper in England, except it's called Dr. Pepper Z (for zero calories), but it's the same thing. We've liked trying new foods and drinks, but it's always nice to have a little taste of home. One drink that I haven't tried yet is called Ribena, and it's some health drink that's supposed to give you vitamins and minerals. It looks pretty gross to me, but it's very popular over here. I've been drinking pomegranate juice, which is really good! On Wednesday, I'm going to take a little day trip to Leamington Spa to run some errands, and I'll bring my camera so I can post pictures. For some reason, it's also known as Royal Leamington Spa. On Friday, Tooley and I are going to take a train and visit Bath, England, which is supposed to be gorgeous. I can't wait!


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