Sunday, December 04, 2005

A Night on the Town and a Day in Class

On Friday, I awoke to discover that I had received a package from my grandparents! My grandmother mailed me her delicious rice krispy treats (made with peanut butter instead of marshmallows and covered with chocolate icing - yum!), various and sundry brownie and muffin mixes, and a shirt. I love packages! Friday night, I had class from 6-8:30, but that's ok, because this weekend is my LAST CLASS OF THE SEMESTER! Hooray! Too bad I still have to write two more essays. This class isn't my favorite. My teacher is from Cambridge, and he's not very exciting. Not that Shakespeare is exciting, but still! My teacher on the other weekends, Cath, is fabulous. Luckily she'll be teaching one of my courses next semester, too. After class, Tooley and I met up with American Natalie, English Natalie, Michelle, Emily, and Marfo at Cox's Yard to hang out and listen to some music since it's Natalie's last week in England. She's going back to the University of Alabama to finish her ph.D. After a while, we decided to try out Celebrities, a dance club in the center of town near the birthplace. It was SO fun! We danced for an hour straight! The club has a DJ, and he played great songs by Michael Jackson, Destiny's Child, and Kanye West, but he also played random techno/dance mixes that the British are so fond of. That's ok, they have a good beat and are easy to dance to. Marfo and I headed home early since I have class on Saturday morning. Today I was in class from 10 - 5 p.m. Sometimes it's hard for me to join group discussions because not only are the people in my class a little older than me (ok, some of them are a LOT older than me), but they grew up in a totally different culture than me, which means they'll talk about TV shows, actors, and movies that I've never even heard of. Everyone in my class is SO nice, though. After class I went to the grocery store, ate supper, and made banana pudding. Yum! I must say, it was very good. After Tooley got home from work, we hung out in the room for awhile until we heard a knock at our door. It was Hannah, a girl I go to school with! She was looking for Catherine, but Cat hadn't made it home from the play yet. So, we headed downstairs to have some banana pudding! Hannah's from Seattle, so she appreciates delicious desserts like banana pudding. Marfo was downstairs, so we all chatted for awhile and Marfo tried her first bowl of banana pudding. She calls it the "banana thing." She really liked it! Maybe my purpose for coming to England wasn't to be an ambassador for the U.S. on behalf of Rotary, but to spread the joys of American culinary delights world-wide. :) Tomorrow I have more day, I think I can make it! On Monday night, some people are throwing a party for Natalie and some other people who are leaving after this semester. Wednesday night, a bunch of us girls are going to Natalie's to have dinner, and Friday night is my school's Christmas party. Fun week! :) I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far!

Me and Marfo, out on the town

Marfo and Michelle

Natalie and Tooley


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