Thursday, November 24, 2005

Lush Party

Today was a nice, lazy day in Stratford-upon-Avon. The weather has warmed up (just a little), but unfortunately the sun didn't come out today. Tooley had the day off, so she went to Leamington Spa to run some errands, and I ran a few errands around here and worked on my paper. Jeremy is leaving Saturday to go to Australia for almost two months! Junko will be in charge, which should be interesting because her English isn't the best. Tonight, Tooley cooked potato soup, which was delicious, and we headed to Lush. Lush is a popular chain in Great Britain of all-natural bath and body products. It's almost like a Bath and Body Works, but not as commercialized. Whenever I walk by the store, I always take a big whiff, because everything smells wonderful! I've seen one Lush store in the U.S., and that was in the Orlando airport. Everything is really decently priced, and they have great stuff. Sarah Reid, a girl that Tooley works with, invited us to a Lush party, where we go to the store after hours and sample some of the products. There were about 20 other ladies there, including two other people that Tooley works with (we were the only Americans). We sampled hand lotion, glitter massage bars, "Eggsnog" lip balm (isn't that a cute name? For those of you that don't know, "snog" is a British word for kiss), and fun stuff like that. We also had a snack of mince pies, which are pastries with fruity jam on the inside. They tasted pretty good! I learned that "floozer" is another word for someone who flirts a lot. (One of Tooley's coworkers called a guy that). The English phrases are so fun! Tomorrow, about 20 people from my school (English and Americans) are going to Bidford, where a guy from my school lives, to have Thanksgiving dinner. Yum! Hopefully there will be some fun American treats there. One girl from Louisiana had her boyfriend send her some cornbread mix! It's going to be weird walking around Stratford tomorrow, because to me it will be a holiday, but to the English, it's just another day! Tooley and I learned that they're building an ice skating rink in the center of town for a few days in December, which I'm excited about! We're also decorating the house on Saturday (Jeremy is going to pay Tooley back if she buys some decorations at Woolworth's). I'll be sure to post pictures from our Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow! I hope everybody has a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thanks for all of your prayers yesterday! :)

Scenes from the Lush party


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