Monday, November 21, 2005

One Down, Three to Go...This Semester, At Least!

I just turned in my first paper today! Whew! Unfortunately, I have to write three more this semester. An hour before my paper was due, I tried to print it out, but my printer mysteriously would not turn on. After tinkering with it for about thirty minutes, I gave up and decided to copy my files onto a CD and print them off in the library. Well, my files wouldn't copy onto the CD. So I carried my laptop to the library, where I ran into Catherine, and she gave me some extra CDs to try. I FINALLY got my paper copied onto a CD, printed it out, and turned it in right on time. I figured out that the way my paper was formatted made it difficult to copy onto a CD. The paper in England (looseleaf, printer paper, any kind) is about an inch and a half longer and a teensy bit wider than paper in the U.S. (good ole 8 1/2 by 11), so I had to format my document to A4 style. A4 is the type of paper used in Great Britain. I know I've mentioned this before in my blog, but let me just reiterate how frustrating banks in the UK are. Walt, Tooley, and I always complain to each other about how much trouble we have trying to get to our money. Today I had to go to the bank three times just to withdraw my rent money. Jeremy said the banks have started making it hard for international people to open bank accounts because of 9/11. Apparently, some of the money used to fund certain terrorists attacks came from banks in England. Jeremy also said the banks have had problems with money laundering. The third and final time I went to the bank, I actually told the lady that I'm not a money launderer OR a terrorist (it's funny to think about how many times I've had to tell banks least 2!), and that I just need to pay my rent. Luckily, everything got sorted out and my rent is paid! I really have a new appreciation for American customer service. It's just not a big concept in the UK. When you go to a restaurant, the average tip you leave a waiter in England is 10%, max. Lots of people don't even leave's just not a big thing here. Because of this, the waiters aren't too bothered about whether or not the customer is satified, comfortable, needs a refill, etc. Stores are the same way. Many shop clerks aren't always friendly or helpful. Tooley said that one of her managers even hung up on a customer when he was talking on the phone! Don't get me wrong, the service is fine in England, but sometimes I miss the whole "the customer is always right" motto. Tonight, I cooked tacos for supper, and I think they were pretty good! Junko (Jeremy's wife) is back from Japan...she was gone for a whole month! It's fun having her back because she's really sweet and really funny! I'll try to take some pictures of her and Jeremy soon and post them. Have a great day!

The Christmas lights in Birmingham. "Happy Christmas" is a very British phrase. :)


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