Saturday, May 20, 2006

Mary Brook and Jennings, taking over Europe :)

Hello everyone! I'm back from London, and Mary Brook and Jennings are here in Stratford with me. I met them at the train station early Tuesday morning, and from there we were off! We checked into the hostel, and then hit the town. I showed them Piccadilly Circus, Leicester Square, Trafalgar Square, 4 Downing Street (home of Tony Blair), Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the River Thames, Monmouth Cafe and Southwark, London Bridge, Covent Garden, SoHo, and Chinatown. We walked around Harrod's, and then rode a double-decker bus across town. That night, we ate at Wagamama's, and then walked across the Waterloo Bridge, which is absolutely gorgeous at night. On Wednesday, the girls slept in a little to recover from their jet lag, and then I took the girls to see the Tower of London. Afterwards, we went to Kensington Park and Kensington Palace, and had tea and scones at The Orangery. We walked around St. James Park and saw Buckingham Palace and St. James Palace, and then went to see...Mary Poppins the musical! It was SOOO good! The set was really neat, and at the end, Mary Poppins flew over the audience. :) We rode back to the hostel in a rickshaw, which is a little basket seat attached to the back of a bike. On Thursday, we went to Westminster Abbey and St. Paul's Cathedral, then headed to Camden Town. Afterwards, we went to Notting Hill and Portobello Road (SO CUTE!), and then caught the train to Stratford. Today, I showed them the sights of the town, and we rented a row boat and went rowing on the River Avon. Tonight, we saw The Da Vinci Code with Michelle and Marfo. The movie was pretty good, but the book was much better. Tomorrow, we're going to do a little more touring, and hang out. It's been so great having two of my best friends here with me! :)

Outside Buckingham Palace

Riding in the rickshaw after Mary Poppins

Tea at The Orangery

Me, Mary Brook, and our new friend outside of St. James Palace


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